Conservation Matters: May

Conservation Matters: May

WildNet - Barrie Williams

Our coastal projects are in full force as the weather gets warmer. Find out what our Conservation Team have been working on this month.

'Tis the season.. for beach-nesting birds

Nesting season has started for our beach-nesting bids and the first sighting of a ringed plover nest has been reported.

The Trust partners with the RSPB, Essex Marine Unit and Bird Aware Essex to protect these vulnerable species. Ringed plovers, little terns and oystercatchers use our coastline to make their nests and raise their young. However, human disturbances like boats mooring, water sports and beach users can make birds abandon nests.

By respecting zoned-off areas, spreading the word and looking out for our Share Our Shores signs, you can do your bit to help beach-nesting birds.

Help us help beach-nesting birds by sharing our shores this season.

Find out how you can help

How to help beach-nesting birds steps

School children learn about Essex oysters

The Trust has been working with Blue Marine Foundation to deliver the Essex Native Oyster Restoration Initiative (ENORI). At Brightlingsea Marina, oyster cages are being used as an educational tool for school children to see first-hand how these efficient ecosystem engineers filter our waters and provide shelter, refuge and food for other estuary species.

The native oyster restoration initiative commenced in 2011, where partners alongside the Trust have been working to protect and restore these vital species. There is a 200 hectare restoration box within the Blackwater Estuary to help oyster populations recover. 

More about native oysters

Abberton supports great crested newts

Abberton Reservoir Nature Discovery Park has been working in collaboration with Essex & Suffolk Water and The Blue Spaces Project to excatave and develop a great crested newt mitigation pond. This project was funded by TWO Services Ltd., a Gold Investor in Wildlife at the Trust since 2017. Additionally to the new pond, the sponsorship will also fund renovations to the site including footpath repairs, a bat box, screens for bird hides and accessible picnic tables.  

New pond created at Abberton

A spotlight on invasive species

Recently, the Trust showcased Invasive Non-Native Species Week (INNS), to highlight the problems that these species can cause, and how they can be managed. Thanks to the Rivers Team, we have learnt about the problems invasive species such as American mink, pennywort, grey squirrels and Spanish bluebells can have in our environments. You can read the full information in our blog, where you'll find a useful video to tell you more and details on how you can help the Trust manage these species. 

Read blog

An American mink standing on a canal bank, sniffing a branch

American mink © Tom Hibbert

How can you help?

Our conservation projects would not be possible without your support. Become a member of Essex Wildlife Trust today, and help us make conservation happen. 

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