Abberton Warden Blog – October 2017

Abberton Warden Blog – October 2017

October has been a relatively mild month here at Abberton, but the reserve is still changing into its autumn colours.

The leaves and berries are anything from yellow through to vibrant pink, red and purple. There are fungi starting to emerge under the trees and acorns on the young Oaks. Cutting has continued of the grassland and wildflower areas, to make sure they provide a good show again next year. Toads and Common lizards are still being spotted all over the nature reserve, a good time to come and spot them before they retreat away for the winter under log piles or deep in the long grass that remains. Preparations are being made ready for this winter's work. We have got 5,000 trees to plant this winter in hedges around the reservoir site. A mild, damp winter would make this an easier job!