Celebrating 65 years of impact
At this year’s AGM, you will hear from our President, Professor Jules Pretty OBE, on ‘How rapid changes in public opinion are creating new hope for positive nature and climate action’, while Dr Jez Dagley, our Director of Conservation, will share the results from the latest annual ‘State of Nature in Essex Report’, followed by the formal proceedings of the AGM.
This year is also a cause for special celebration, as October marks the Trust’s 65th birthday. Following our online AGM, we will be celebrating our birthday by hosting a series of free guided walks for members at all our Nature Discovery Centres, so you can join us wherever you live. These walks will take place on the afternoon of 28 September from 2pm. Booking is essential as places (and birthday cake) are limited.
Thank you as ever for your support. We hope to see you there.
The deadline to register to attend the online AGM is Thursday 26 September at 5pm.