Big Wild Seed Sow - Order Your Seeds

Wildflower meadow

James Adler

Big Wild Seed Sow

Let's plant millions of wildflowers!

Over the last two years, The Big Wild Seed Sow has created 22,000 square metres of new wildflower habitat. This year, we have a further 7,000 packets of wildflower seeds to give away to individuals and families in Essex, helping you to take action for insects in your garden.

You can claim your free packet of wildflower seeds here! This offer is limited to one pack of seeds per household. If you would like to donate any amount to support the campaign and our work at Essex Wildlife Trust, please do so via the donation box below.

Donate to support Essex Wildlife Trust

You will receive your free wildflower seeds within two weeks of submitting the below form. By entering your details, you agree to be contacted by email about the Big Wild Seed Sow and future Essex Wildlife Trust campaigns and updates. You can unsubscribe from communications at any time.

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What's in our wildflower seed mix?

Lady's bedstraw, black medick, salad burnet, meadow buttercup, red campion, white campion, wild carrot, night-flowering catchfly, corn chamomile, wild clary, corn cockle, cornflower, cowslip, ox-eye daisy, field forget-me-not, wild foxglove, goatsbeard, common knapweed, greater knapweed, corn marigold, musk mallow, common poppy, self-heal, common sorrel, common St John's-wort, yarrow and yellow rattle.